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Leaders of digital change will want to establish a clear and easily communicable vision that will show others why a focus on digital capability is important to students, staff and the wider organisation. If your role is to support others to develop their digital capabilities you will need to understand the strategic aims behind investment in digital capabilities development. Collaborating with other stakeholders will be a key part of your role. Ensuring others know what is expected of them is important, as is maintaining momentum through active personal participation.
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Actions and responsibilities

Indicative responsibilities and actions might include:

  • Working with stakeholders (including student representatives) to identify the vision and the rationale for developing digital capabilities for your organisation
  • Focusing on what you would like to achieve and how digital capabilities can contribute to your vision
  • Aligning your aspirations for digital capability with other initiatives, policies and priorities - identifying where digital capabilities will enhance the performance and reputation of your organisation
  • Reviewing the organisation-focused digital capabilities framework (pdf) with stakeholders in relation to the current and desired situation
  • Working with stakeholders, using analytical tools such as our audit tool (Word) or checklist (Word) to ascertain the current situation and develop an outline action plan
  • Facilitating collaboration and the bringing together of all those who have a role or interest in developing digital capability including those responsible for the digital infrastructure of your organisation, estates teams and human resources teams
  • Reviewing the range of digital support options available to staff and students to create a holistic approach that makes the most effective use of resources
  • Signifying the intention to embed digital capability development throughout the organisation by leading, championing, supporting and communicating the objectives and benefits of the plan for each stakeholder group, illustrated by evidence-based examples
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Supporting resources

Tools and resources to help you in stage one include:

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Likely outcomes, outputs and enablers that will arise from stage one activities include:

  • The identification and formation of a stakeholder group who will steer the development of organisational digital capability with support from an identified senior sponsor
  • The establishment of a shared understanding, common purpose and goals
  • Greater understanding of the relevance of digital capabilities for your own organisation and community members
  • Identification of the current situation and the difference between the current and desired positions
  • Clearly articulated benefits for all stakeholders with evidence-based examples.
  • Action and implementation plans (including a review of structures, responsibilities, resources, KPIs and success indicators) that can be shared with heads of schools, departments and service teams for further refinement
  • Reflection on the digital leader profile and the personal development needs of others
  • Potential for increased organisational growth, reputation, business and student satisfaction